Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore

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Addiction is a disease. Yes, all the world authorities are unanimously together on this conclusion after all the scientific evidences that it is a disease that affects human mind in such a way that is leads to an irresistible compulsion to perform certain behavior. It may be the use of alcohol, any drug like Hash, Charas, Heroin, Tranquillizers, Cocaine or at times just a behavior, like gambling, excessive and uncontrolled use of mobile phone or internet, love or sex addiction or even something considered a virtue like work holism or religious extremism.

The journey from first use of a drug or a behavior to becoming a slave to this disease is not traveled in days or months; rather, it takes years at times before a person gets so much involved in it that his whole life starts revolving around this particular drug or behavior. His life becomes unmanageable. Compulsion to use the drug or perform the behavior is the hallmark of addiction. Loss of control over the behavior is the cornerstone.

Addiction is a disease. Yes, all the world authorities are unanimously together on this conclusion after all the scientific evidences that it is a disease that affects human mind in such a way that is leads to an irresistible compulsion to perform certain behavior. It may be the use of alcohol, any drug like Hash, Charas, Heroin, Tranquillizers, Cocaine or at times just a behavior, like gambling, excessive and uncontrolled use of mobile phone or internet, love or sex addiction or even something considered a virtue like work holism or religious extremism.

The journey from first use of a drug or a behavior to becoming a slave to this disease is not traveled in days or months; rather, it takes years at times before a person gets so much involved in it that his whole life starts revolving around this particular drug or behavior. His life becomes unmanageable. Compulsion to use the drug or perform the behavior is the hallmark of addiction. Loss of control over the behavior is the cornerstone.

The good news is the loved one. Person who falls a victim of the disease can be helped, yes, help is available at every stage, whether it’s just an occasional exposure, a habit, a compulsion or ever a late stage when the disease has physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually overpowered the person.


The only thing required is to ACT! Not to sit silent or idle spectator. Get help before its too late. The earlier, the better, don’t wait till things start slipping away. If you notice even few suspicious signs or symptoms of addictive behaviors in your loved one, don’t just sit but come to us because help is available. Your problem can be solved at every stage.

Only one person with sane mind is required to initiate the action. Let that sane person be you. Your loved one will not seek help himself because his mind is intoxicated. He is under the spells of diseases which has denied him from rational thinking and foresee the consequences of his acts. He is looking towards the immediate pleasure, not the long term disaster.

This includes dependence on any of the following:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Street drugs
  • Prescription drugs

Although less well studied, many behaviours appear to have reinforcing properties, and may involve excesses related to:

  • Gambling
  • Food
  • Sex
  • The Internet
  • Video Games
  • Work
Science shows that substance and behavioural addictions can occur within the same individual and that multiple variants of substance or process addiction can be expressed at the same time. Thus, people can have multiple addictions with each addition being active to differing degrees of severity. Additionally, depression and anxiety frequently accompany addiction as co-morbid factors.

On Emergency

In emergencies each and every second is precious in saving lives and for that reason Bridge Rehab introduces Emergency Response System. In case of emergency related to drug addiction or psychosis. You can call us at

Call : (+92) 0300-8413436